Meet the Jackie of All Trades

My name is Jacqueline Ikem, but you can call me Jackie.

Throughout my life, I've always known my purpose is storytelling, but my fear of public speaking made me feel like an imposter. When you’re Nigerian-American, the youngest of four and highly expressive, you’re often labeled as a crybaby and not allowed to have an opinion. However, I learned that being outspoken and vulnerable is my superpower.

Choosing the path of brand strategy feels like speaking up for someone who has a story to tell the world, but doesn’t know where to start.

My nonverbal autistic brother has taught me to never take my abilities for granted and to always speak from my heart. I'm pursuing a future where I can use my creativity and logic to guide brands and small business owners on the right path.

Follow me on my journey as a strategist as I share my talents and offer services in areas of brand strategy, content creation and copywriting.

  • My top 3 goals as a strategist are to create ...

  • Strategies that foster awareness and will inspire solutions for global issues.

  • Solutions that produce user friendly experiences and improve our overall quality of life.

  • ideas that unite and provoke a higher level of understanding and compassion.

"I've grown to be highly compassionate yet solution oriented, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of brands, but also realizing that potential is nothing without execution."

  • But, I’m more than a strategist

    Here are four things that inspire me creatively in my personal life